Sunday, April 25, 2010


Burpee (exercise)
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The burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps:
Begin in a standing position.
Drop into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you.
Kick your feet back, while simultaneously lowering yourself into a pushup
Immediately return your feet to the squat position, while simultaneously pushing up with your arms.
Leap up as high as possible from the squat position with your arms overhead (you may also clap your hands above your head at the peak of your jump

Definition from: Wikipedia 2010

I have actually never really hated anything more in my life then a Burpee. In fact, about two months ago I thought I was really fit - UNTIL I was asked to do 10 Burpees. I thought I was going to die. During the drill (which included 10 burpees) my thighs felt like they had led in them and my arms had a burning sensation in them that I never experienced. Currently in grade 2 we are writing poetry, the following is my owe to Burpees and my awesome grade two‘s!

Burning sensation that usually makes me want to go into fetal position.
Usually I don’t feel such hate towards exercise.
Really, I’d like to meet the TOOL that created Burpees.
Probably won’t be able to sit down tomorrow.
Expected to do how many?!?!
Eventually I will be able to walk again (that’s what they tell me).
Suddenly I feel the need to cry.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Workout #1

Saturday morning brought some interesting weather - a bit cold and snowy for my liking. We all met at LaSalle Park in Burlington to enjoy the awesome scene. We started out with a warm up and then...sprints.

That was so sweet of Meridith and Suzie to let us do sprints, I mean who doesn't love the burning sensation in your glutes, quads, hamstings and every other single part of the body?!? I know I will thank the ladies in a few months, but in the meantime I may have to use some foul language during workouts.

The stairworkout was amazing - fun and different. It's surprisingly harder then you think to run downstairs. The best part was just when you think you're done the have to sprint back up a monster...I mean hill.

Despite the weather, we had a wicked workout with a solid group of ladies. I'm looking forward to my homework workouts and next Sunday's group workout!

Until then,


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Meet and Greet

Today was the big day - the meet and greet. I think we have a pretty wicked group together. So many different backgrounds and stories. To date the scariest thing was being video taped - at least I thought. Now I am thinking the mountain biking is really going to get me. The mountain biking is going to be FAST....and scary.

The race itself seems amazing. I love the RockStar theme. Check it out

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A poor little hammy

Sometimes I think I'm a superstar and that I can do things like upside down push ups (I wonder what my face looked like when I was doing them?) and ten thousand lounges. I paid the price and pulled a my hamstring. It hurt to do everything especially once I bent down - but I'm ready to go again.